Cannabis Corpse Cannabis Corpse - Force Fed Shitty Grass

Straightlaced dork he is stranded in nowhere
Wondering where the fuck his life has led him to
Always following the rules set forth to him
Now hes lost walking to school again
They are waiting for him in an alleyway
Now they ambush him for hes an easy prey
Dragged into the dark- tied to a chair
Pissed his pants so fucking scared
No escape- he is bound too tight
So horrified- sees them there
Packing weed into a tube hes never seen
Asks himself what have they planned for me?
Squirming with panic they force the tube on his mouth
Hold him in place- light the stem
Smoke starts to billow it is rising so fast
His breath- he can hold no longer he inhales
Coughing he cant stop coughing
His lungs have never felt this before
Bloodshot his eyes are red now
The THC now starts to take its hold
Why have, Why have you done this?
I have never even drank a beer!
Hunger stricken with hunger i could crush a bag of doritos
Force fed shitty grass
Losing consciousness passes out in the chair
Comes to- his assailants no longer there
No memory of what has happened
Just an urge to smoke weed
Force fed shitty grass
Now his life has completely changed
Dropped out and spends his time on video games