Cannabis Corpse Cannabis Corpse - Zero Weed Tolerance

He won't admit he has a problem
Every time he starts to smoke
He loses control and starts killing
No one is safe from his onslaught

Sensations dulled, he can't feel anything
So stoned and paranoid, violently paranoid
Half baked, he's headed
Towards a shopping mall
For a killing spree

Hacking, stabbing he is laughing at
All the splattered blood

Zero weed tolerance
All this carnage only after smoking one hit
Zero weed tolerance
A psychotic lightweight

The morbid costs of hydroponic
Weeds affect on a fragile mind
A savage monster was created
And unleashed on all of mankind
People screaming in fear as they flee
Horrid sight of grisly death
Caused by a thc crazed zombie

Abhorrent thc nightmare, inhuman
Schizophrenic and ripped
Out of his fucking mind

Police call for backup
They need help
They tried tear gas but it had no effect
It was astounding
They used a grenade to immolate
But panic set in when he charged at them
While he was still engulfed in flame

Zero weed tolerance
All this carnage after only
After smoking one hit
Zero weed tolerance
He should've stayed home and had a beer